The Story
Music has been an important part of my life since I was young. I took drum lessons at the age of 12 and piano lessons at 18. In the early 1980s, I toured with the dance band "Snoopy". From the money I earned, I was able to afford a few synthesizers, which I bought at the legendary Synthesizerstudio Bonn (Germany). I still own and play some of them today. In 1986 I was allowed to gain my first studio experience as a keyboard player on the album production of "Litera Ell". At the end of the 1980s I played self-composed pop/rock pieces with the band "Skill".

Now, after more than 30 years, I have started to release new songs again. The combination of old and new synthesizer sounds is deliberately meant to sound a bit like the 80s, because that was simply a cool time. 

I hope you enjoy listening to it and I'm looking forward to your feedback.

My music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and Tidal.


Released on 12 July 2024

01: The Song I Finally Finished

02: Townhall

03: Keysanddrums

04: It's My Music - Part 4

05: Pandora

06: Jara

07: For The Sad Ones

08: Not A Christmas Song

A New Prophet
Released on 12 January 2024

01: Generation X

02: Generation Y

03: A New Prophet

04: It's My Music - Part 3

05: After The Rain - Instrumental Version

06: Hyperion

07: Albiorix

08: Epilogue

After The Rain (Single)
Released on 15 December 2023

01: After The Rain - Vocal Version

A Collection Of Nearly Forgotten Pieces
Released on 9 December 2022

01: The Song I Never Finished

02: It's My Music - Part 1

03: The Piano Session

04: It's My Music - Part 2

05: My Tribute To Edgar Froese

06: The Song I Never Finished -
      Extended Version

07: Skill4Mike -
      Bonustrack Performed By Skill

My heartfelt thanks go to Erwin Lammenett, Marcel Müller, Burkhard Schmitz, Michael Schumacher Mastering and Klaus Warler for your support!

Promotion Videos

A New Prophet


A Collection Of Nearly Forgotten Pieces